Beach Management Plan Laytown Bettystown Mornington

Maintaining and improving the Laytown / Bettystown Beach, whilst enhancing the area as an attraction for beach-users

Meath County Council has developed a Beach Management Plan for Laytown, Bettystown and Mornington.  Pursuant to its obligations under Regulation 42 of the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011 (as amended), Meath County Council, as a Public Authority and on consideration of advice received from Ecologist Robert Fennelly, AECOM, has determined that an Appropriate Assessment is required for the Beach Management Plan for Laytown, Bettystown and Mornington.

Beach Management Plan Laytown Bettystown Mornington

Meath County Council, as a Public Authority, has conducted an Appropriate Assessment of the Beach Management Plan for Laytown Bettystown and Mornington.

Having regard to:

  • The NIS (Natura Impact Statement) 2018 prepared by AECOM on behalf of Meath County Council, the assessment of likely impacts and mitigating measures;
  • The incorporation of all mitigating measures as outlined in the NIS and the Draft Beach Management Plan for Laytown, Bettystown and Mornington;
  • The fact that all projects arising as a result of the Beach Management Plan shall be required to conform to with the actions of said plan and the mitigation measures from the NIS and/or shall be subject to future AA assessment.

Meath County Council has determined, pursuant to Regulation 42(11) of the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011 (as amended), that the Beach Management Plan will not adversely affect the integrity of any European site.

The NIS has been submitted to the Minister in accordance with Regulation 42(9) of the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011.