Abandoned Vehicles

Report an abandoned vehicle

Report an Abandoned Vehicle

To report an abandoned vehicle contact our Customer Service team providing the following details:

  • Vehicle Registration
  • Colour / Make / Model
  • Exact Location
  • Period of time that vehicle has not been moved*
  • Name and Contact Number

The Council will arrange to investigate the matter.

If the vehicle is deemed to be abandoned the Council will then follow a procedure of issuing notifications to the registered owner. This may also include affixing a notice to the vehicle.

The process from initial inspection to removal can take up to 3 months.

*Please note that a vehicle must not have moved for a significant period of time for consideration under this policy. (up to 6 weeks)

The following should also be noted:

  1. Vehicles on public roads which are causing obstruction or road safety hazard should be reported to the Gardai.
  2. While a vehicle with no tax or insurance may be an indicator that a vehicle is abandoned, the issue of no tax or insurance on a vehicle on a public road does not automatically deem a vehicle abandoned. Having no Tax or Insurance on a public road is a matter for the Gardai and does not fall under the remit of Meath County Council.
  3. Burned out vehicles should be reported to the Gardai.  Burning out a vehicle is criminal behaviour. 
  4. Vehicles abandoned on the M1 & M3 should be referred to the NRA. [from NRA website: A dedicated motorway incident line has been set-up to assist roads users in difficulty on a motorway. This can be accessed by any mobile phone or landline and all calls are directed through the Motorway Traffic Control Centre by dialling 0818-715-100 (or email operator@nraits.ie )]
  5. Vehicles in estates which are owned by persons resident in the estate will not be deemed abandoned. 
  6. Vehicles on Private Lands or Private Estates will not be deemed abandoned. 
  7. Any vehicles registered outside of the Rep of Ireland should be referred to the Gardai.

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