Temporary Closure of Abbey Road (L8950-8) in Navan, Co. Meath

Temporary Closure of Abbey Road (L8950-8) in Navan, Co. Meath

Meath County Council has made an order to temporarily close Abbey Road in Navan, Co. Meath to facilitate public road upgrade works and ancillary works as part of the Navan Town Scheme (Navan 2030).

The closure will commence on Monday 18th July 2022 and will continue until Friday 29th of July, 2022 inclusive during the hours of 7pm to 7am each day.

Temporary Closure of Abbey Road (L8950-8) in Navan, Co. Meath

Meath County Council has made an order to temporarily close Abbey Road in Navan, Co. Meath from its junction with the Fire Station Junction / Abbey Road Link to N52 (L-8950-0) to Watergate St (R-161-5) to facilitate public road upgrade works and ancillary works as part of the Navan Town Scheme (Navan 2030).


  • The closure will commence on Monday 18th July 2022 and will continue until Friday 29th of July, 2022 inclusive during the hours of 7pm to 7am each day


Alternative Routes

From the Fire Station Junction

  • Traffic is to be diverted north on the N51 Kells Road to the Balmoral Junction
  • Turn left to the R895 Cannon Road to Abbey Road, and then onto the Abbey Road/Kennedy Road roundabout, and from there it is to be directed onto Kennedy Road to the Kennedy Road/Market Square/Trimgate Street junction.
  • Traffic is then to be directed left (east) at the junction to Watergate Street. Diversion Ends.

From Kennedy Road

  • Traffic is to be diverted from Kennedy Road onto Cannon Row
  • Turn right onto the N51 and directed south towards the Dublin Road (R147).
  • Traffic is to then be diverted north onto Flowerhill (R-162-169) to the Round ‘O’ Roundabout, and then to exit the roundabout to the N51 and travel west to the N51/R147 (Fire Station) junction.
  • At the Fire Station junction, traffic is to be diverted to Abbey Road.  Diversion ends.

From Abbey Road/Watergate Street junction

  • Traffic is to be diverted north on the N51 Kells Road to the Balmoral Junction and turn left to the R895 Cannon Road to Abbey Road
  • Then onto the Abbey Road/Kennedy Road roundabout, and from there it is to be directed onto Fire Station junction.


Diversion signs will be in place

  • Local access to residents and businesses/deliveries will be accommodated.


Pedestrian Access

  • Pedestrians will be facilitated with access throughout the closure period.
Abbey Road (L8950-8) in Navan, Co. Meath - Diversion Route