
'Solving our own Problems' Workshop Summary Report Launch

Solving our own Problems Invite

Kells was selected as the national pilot town for the Irish Walled Town Network (IWTN) ‘Kick Start Initiative’ funded and facilitated by the Heritage Council and Meath County Council. 

As part of this initiative a two-day town specific regeneration seminar took place.  Five mentors from the Arts, Tourism, Retail, Greening Public Realm and Parking and Traffic were invited by the Heritage Council to visit Kells and work with the local community to highlight what is important within the town and to create a realistic action plan to help overcome existing challenges.

The two-day workshop began with a series of presentations in the Church of Ireland. Day 2 began with a walk around the town led by each mentor and a facilitated group session in the afternoon to turn ideas into an overall action plan.

The Solving our own problems format was devised by the Irish Walled Towns Network, Heritage Council. In Kells, it built upon the successful Bigger Picture Conference Series organised by Kells Local Heroes.

The report of the workshop will be launched on Monday, December 16th in Kells Courthouse Tourism and Cultural Hub at 5.30pm.