Road Works Speed Limit Order
Road Traffic Act, 2004
Road Works Speed Limit Order
Notice is hereby given that in exercise of powers under Section 10 of the Road Traffic Act 2004, and in the interest of road safety, Meath County Council has made a Road Works Speed Limit Order at the location described in the schedule below.
Road ID
Colp East & Colp West
Extent of Speed limit
The L1611 Colpe Road, from a point 806 metres east of its roundabout junction with the
centreline of the circulating roadway of the R132 Old Dublin Road to a point 50m east of its Junction with the L16114 Mill Road.
The Road Works Speed Limit to be applied shall be fifty (50) kilometres per hour to facilitate the road construction works to the road verge to facilitate pedestrians and will apply from 14th December 2020 to 30th June 2021.
The Chief Executive shall have regard to any representations that are made to her in relation to this Road Works Speed Limit Order.