
Proposed Temporary Closure of L-50191-0 Archerstown Road, Co Meath

Map RCA3

Meath County Council hereby gives notice of its intention to temporarily close the L-50191-0Archerstown Road, Co. Meath from its junction with the L-5019-10 to its junction with the L-5010-0 to public traffic from 4thJanuary to 29thJanuary 2021from 7.00am to 9.00pm to facilitate KNinstalling ducting on Route A Connectivity.


Alternative routes:


All vehicular traffic intending to travel Southbound on the L-50191 (from Garristown to Ashbourne).

At thejunction L-50191/L-5010 travel East on the L-5010 for 2km until junction L5010/R130. At Junction L5010/R130 turn right and travel South on R130 for 5km until junction R130/R125. Turn right and travel West towards Ashbourne on the R125 for 3km until Junction R125/L-5019. Continue on the L-5019 until you reach your destination.
All vehicular traffic intending to travel Northbound on the L-50191 (from Ashbourne to Garristown).

At the junction L-50191/L-5019 travel South for 1.6km until junction L-5019/R125. Turn left and travel East on the R125 for 3km until junction R125/R130. Turn left and continue North on the R130 for 5km until junction R130/L-5010. Turn left and continue West on the L-5010 for 2km until you reach your destination.


Submissions and observations to the proposed temporary road closure may be made in writing to the Transportation Department, Meath County Council, Buvinda House, Dublin Road, Navan, Co. Meath C15 Y291 or by email to on or before Wednesday16th December 2020.

Map Temp RCA3