
Meath Digital Strategy - Have your say

Meath Digital Strategy

Meath County Council is developing a Digital Strategy to set out ambitions to meet the needs and aspirations of the people of County Meath enabling them to benefit from digital technologies and infrastructure throughout the county. We want to get your contribution to the strategy and would like to understand what your priorities- both personally and professionally.

Digital is the nearly instant, free and flawless ability to connect people, devices, physical objects and information anywhere. It involves not just Broadband telecommunications being delivered under the National Broadband Plan, but considers mobile & wireless networks, the introduction of new technological tools & equipment, online services and supporting the development of the skills for citizens to use the technologies and systems available.

The Meath Digital Strategy is about delivering better informed people, better business, better jobs and opportunities, better education, better business services and public services, and a better experience for visitors and investors.

To support the development of this strategy and to better understand citizen’s needs Meath County Council are engaging in a public consultation to understand the priorities for the County. We are seeking your input in the development of this strategy. The closing date for the survey is the 15th March 2019.

This survey can be completed online on the Portal