
Meath County Council Notice of Special Planning Meeting


Notice is hereby given that a Special Planning Meeting of Meath County Council will be held from Monday, 19 October (at 10.00am) to Friday, 23 October, 2020 in the Solstice Theatre, Navan.


This meeting will be taking place in compliance with the latest public health guidelines. In this regard, members of the press and public can observe proceeding by means of a live-stream in County Hall, Navan. Attendance at County Hall requires prior registration, via email:


Please note that all attendees will also be required to complete an Attendance Declaration Form to self-declare that they are COVID-19 symptom free. As part of this declaration, attendees must provide contact details which may be required in the event of contact tracing.


The indicative timetable for the Special Planning Meeting and the relevant documentation is available here:


Tugtarfógra, leis seo go dtionólfarCruinniúSpeisialtaPleanálaChomhairleContaenaMí ó DéLuain, an 19 DeireadhFómhair (ag 10.00am) go dtíDéhAoine, an 23 DeireadhFómhair 2020 in Amharclann an Solstice, an Uaimh.


Cuirfearancruinniúseoarsiúlagusnatreoirlíntesláintepoiblí is déanaí á sásamh. Is féidir le baill den phreasagus den phobalféachaintarimeachtaíanchruinnithetríshruthúbeo in HallaanChontae, an Uaimh. CaithfidhtúclárúroimhrémásmianleatfreastalarHallaanChontae, tríríomhphost a sheoladhchuig:


Tabhairfaoideara, le do thoil, go mbeidharanluchtfreastail go léirFoirmDhearbhaitheFreastail a líonadh, lenafhéindearbhúnachbhfuilcomharthaísláinte COVID-19 orthu. Mar chuid den dearbhúseo, caithfidhanluchtfreastailsonraíteagmhála a sholáthar a d’fhéadfadhbheithagteastáiligcás go ndéantarrianúteagmhálaithe.


Táan t-amchlártáscach don ChruinniúSpeisialtaPleanálaagusancháipéisíochtábharthaarfáilanseo: