Meath County Council awarded €100k for local biodiversity projects


Meath County Council awarded €100k for local biodiversity projects

A Hill with blue sky in background

During National Biodiversity Week, Minister of State for Nature, Heritage and Electoral Reform, Malcolm Noonan TD, announced funding of €2.8 million to local authorities to carry out biodiversity projects through the Local Biodiversity Action Fund (LBAF). Meath County Council have been awarded over €100k to deliver projects in 2024.

First established in 2018, the LBAF was created to assist local authorities in the implementation of actions in support of biodiversity. A total just over €8.6m has been granted to local authorities through the LBAF since the scheme launched.

Welcoming the funding, Kieran Kehoe, Chief Executive Meath County Council said, “Meath County Council welcomes the support received this year through the Local Biodiversity Action Fund. Our projects in Meath build on the success of previous years, supporting people in creating habitats for wildlife, managing our own lands better for biodiversity, addressing urgent conservation needs, and adding to our knowledge of biodiversity in Meath.”

Minister Noonan said, “Local Authorities play a vital role in addressing the biodiversity crisis and in this important week for biodiversity, I’m delighted to see a record number of projects approved through the Local Biodiversity Action Fund 2024. The benefits realised by the locally-led projects created through this Fund are shared by all of us, not least local communities. As more and more Biodiversity Officers join the ranks of our local authorities through the Biodiversity Officer Programme, I know that the benefits for nature and people that this Fund provide are only going to grow.”

Projects approved this year in Meath include: 

  • The Hare's Corner – assisting landowners to create new habitats for biodiversity
  • A two-year project involving 29 local authorities recording the Irish mayfly
  • Continuation of the Commons of Lloyd biodiversity enhancement project
  • Re-survey of County Meath’s Swifts
  • Continuation of the Barn Own Conservation project
  • State of knowledge report on the biodiversity of County Meath County Council
  • Community biodiversity initiatives, including a small grant scheme for supporting community groups in the delivery of their Biodiversity Actions Plans
  • Primary & secondary school biodiversity education initiative

Engagement with communities and local authorities is crucial to the implementation of Irelands 4th National Biodiversity Action Plan, launched in January this year. The LBAF is operated by the National Parks and Wildlife Service of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage and represents a commitment to support implementation of the Irelands 4th NBAP at community, county and regional level. The Fund recognises the importance of the work carried out by local authorities through their Biodiversity and Heritage Officers.