Meath County Archive - help us record the history of Coronavirus in Meath
We are living in extraordinary times - a moment in history that will be remembered forever. Just as historians and scientists today have learnt from the contemporary accounts kept during the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, we can ensure that the experience of COVID-19 is documented for future researchers.
How can I help?
Keep a diary, as simple or as detailed as you like, recording your everyday lived experience in Meath during the pandemic. You can make it anonymous or personal. We will preserve it forever in our Archives.
What will I write about?
No detail is too big or too small. How is the situation affecting you, your friends and family? What is the weather like? Do you have any observations on nature/wildlife? How are you spending each day? What are you eating/cooking? What can you buy or not buy in the shops? What do you miss doing? Are you able to continue with your work/hobbies? How has your schooling or university education been affected?
Who can take part?
Anyone can take part from all walks of life and all ages, including children.
Your diary can be in electronic format (for example, a Word document) or hand-written on any type of paper. You can submit photographs of your street/area, or maybe an oral-history recording.
How will I send it in?
When the time is right we will let you know how to submit your diaries to the archives.We will keep you posted through social media and our website.
What will happen my diary in the Archives?
All diaries will be treated sensitively. Archives, such as a diary with personal information, are often closed from access for a long period of time. When this period of time elapses, a diary can become a valuable record with a wider significance. For future generations, it can become an important historical source.