Four Meath Projects share €1.1m Town and Village Renewal Funding


Four Meath Projects share €1.1m Town and Village Renewal Funding

AS Town and Village Renewal Meath Funding 2024

The Town and Village Renewal Scheme provides funding for projects that make our towns and villages more attractive and sustainable. Funding of €1,185,047 from the Department of Rural and Community Development under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme was announced for the following;


The announcement of funding of €250,000 from the Department of Rural and Community Development under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme for the development of a new community space will provide a significant boost for the village of Castletown. 

Meath County Council are contributing an additional €85,000 bringing the total investment of €335,000 which will see an old cottage, vacant for more than 20 years, being repurposed and brought back into use as a valuable local amenity both local people and users of the adjacent greenway.

The project was proposed by the Castletown Social Centre Committee. They engaged with Council’s Community Department as well as several other groups locally including:

  • Castletown Tidy Towns, 
  • St. Patrick’s National School Castletown, 
  • Castletown Pitch & Putt Club, 
  • Castletown Ladies Committee and 
  • Castletown Active Retirement

to develop a project that will see the refurbishing the cottage back to a 1930’s period style including thatched roof, creating spaces for groups and organisations to meet, a commercial coffee dock linked the old house via a connecting corridor and an external seating area. 


When completed the facility will greatly enhance the village of Castletown and the wellbeing of its people. The Castletown Social Centre Committee intend to use any monies generated by the coffee shop to further enhance the village. It will also have a positive economic effect on the village of and surrounding area by providing employment and creating an amenity greenway users can relax in and enjoy. 


This project is an example of how Meath County Council can on a practical level give effect to the objectives of the County Development Plan 2021-2027 to promote the reuse or reactivation of vacant and under-utilised properties to have a positive impact on local community life. 



The announcement of funding of €222,167 from the Department of Rural and Community Development under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme for the refurbishment of Clady Hall will restore it to a position at the heart of the community. 

Clady Hall has been closed for seven years and is unique as it will serve the populations of the 3 villages of Dunderry, Kilbride, Robinstown and provide a new community centre.

The project was proposed by the Dunderry, Kilbride and Robinstown Community Hall CLG. They engaged with Council’s Community Department as well as several other groups locally including:

  • Dunderry Fair, 
  • Dunderry ICA, 
  • Dunderry Set Dancing, 
  • Dunderry Senior Citizens, 
  • and Bective ICA (from Robinstown).

and identified a need for a much-needed community facility providing a modern, sustainable, vibrant community hub that offers valuable space for local volunteer groups.


Meath County Council are contributing an additional €24,685, and  the total investment of €246,852 shows our commitment to delivering on our County Development Plan 2021-2027 vision “to enable our communities to have sufficient resources to support economic, social and environmental wellbeing, the creativity to flourish and the strength to be resilient”.



The announcement of funding of €500,000 from the Department of Rural and Community Development under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme is a significant investment in the fast-growing town of Enfield. 

Meath County Council is also providing funding of €246,215 for the refurbishment of the Old Parish Hall into a usable space for the community. It will provide a much-needed community facility for a young and diverse population. It also delivers on the objectives of the County Development Plan 2021-2027 in bring back into use a vacant building as a usable community space.

There has been extensive engagement with Enfield Development Group and the Council’s Community department on the refurbishment of the Old Parish Hall which was purchased by Meath County Council with funding of €250,000 secured previously under the Town and Village Building Acquisition Measure. 

Enfield Community Centre is an example of Meath County Council responding to the needs of a community through the provision of a dedicated community centre for the town. This project complements the €671,377 awarded under the RRDF for the Enfield Enterprise Hub for the renovation of a vacant industrial building in the Town Centre into a Community and Enterprise Hub. 

Enfield is a fast-growing town with a young population many of whom commute for work. This investment will provide a facility in which the community can take pride in; and will help foster cohesive and sustainable community spirit. 



The announcement of funding of €212,850 from the Department of Rural and Community Development under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme for the development of a sensory and biodiversity-rich garden is a unique project for the town of Kells. 


A total investment of €236,500 including a contribution of €23,650 from Meath County Council will see an unused, overgrown plot of Council land, being transformed into a garden space conducive to learning, relaxation and contemplation, available for use by all the community.


The project was proposed by the Kells Local Heroes. They have engaged the Councils Community Department as well as with several other groups locally including: 

  • Kells Arts Club, 
  • Kells Parochial School, 
  • Hinterland, 
  • Lady of Mercy National School, 
  • St. Colmcille National School and 
  • Kells Accommodation Centre.

And developed a project that builds on the revival of Kells as a hub of arts, culture and creativity and will benefit locals and visitors alike.

The Meath County Development Plan 2021-2027 sets out our objective “to support and facilitate the provision of recreation facilities in the town centre” and project shows our commitment to making our towns more attractive places to live and visit.