
‘Be Winter Ready’ Government Information Campaign

Be Winter Ready

Be Prepared, Stay Safe and know where to find help should you need it!

During times of adverse weather conditions, preparation is key to ensure everyone’s safety.

Remember that everyday tasks which we take for granted become more difficult or even hazardous in severe weather, yet by taking some simple steps you can reduce the impact of such events.

During periods of severe weather, it is important to obtain the latest information, by listening to the weather information and weather warnings from Met Éireann, usually delivered during the weather forecast.  Information will also be available during severe weather on the Twitter page of the Office of Emergency Planning @emergencyIE and Met Éireann as well as the @MeathCoCo social media channels. 

We encourage everyone to keep an eye on older neighbours and relatives during periods of severe weather. They will inevitably have more difficulty than usual in getting about, to buy food and medical supplies and to attend their medical appointments.  Remember that they may not have access to the latest information from the internet and social media, so they will really benefit from ongoing personal contact.

Please visit the Be Winter Ready website to download your own copy of the Office of Emergency Planning ‘Be Winter Ready’ booklet which includes tips and contacts details for organisations and agencies that can provide further guidance and assistance during periods of severe weather.

You will also find a lot more information and useful links.