Advance Information Update - 18th October 2019 - Meath County Council N2 Slane Approaches


Advance Information Update - 18th October 2019 - Meath County Council N2 Slane Approaches

N2 - N51 Upgrade Works

Works next week will take place on N2 Dublin Road, N2 Collon Rd & Slane Crossroads - Week beginning Monday, 21st October 2019

N2 Dublin Road

  • Works will take place between Gantry’s, downhill on RHS approach to bridge.
  • Lane closures will be in operation to allow reinstatement along the frontage of the stone wall.
  • Drainage installations & final surface course to the pavement will also take place in vicinity of Fenor Cross.
  • These works will be carried out by use of stop / go traffic management.

    *** No Road Closures Are Required. ***

N2, Collon Road 

  • Works consists of High Friction Surfacing (weather permitting) on approach to the Crossroads.
  • These works will be carried out by use of stop / go traffic management.

    *** No Road Closures Are Required. ***

Slane Crossroads  

  • Works consists of mastic to ironwork.
  • The crossroad traffic lights will be switched off on Monday, 21st October at 10.00am with temporary Four - Way lights in operation to 4.00pm.



We would ask that vehicles are not parked on the carriageway during the works. Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times via a diversion of the existing pathway around the construction works.

If you have any special access requirements whilst the works are in progress please make them known to the Contractor Liaison Officer on +44 7714 136237
We will try to cause as little inconvenience as possible and would appreciate your cooperation whilst we are undertaking the works.


Comments or Queries:

If you have any questions or comments about the scheme please feel free to contact us via email or telephone the Senior Contracts Engineer on +44 7976 168961.



Temporary closures of N2 and N51, Slane - Original Notice

Original Advance Information Notice