
Festival and Events Pop Up Advice Clinics for Meath

March 15th in Ashbourne, Navan & Kells

Festival and Events Pop Up Advice Clinics for Meath - March 15th in Ashbourne, Navan & Kells


The Advice Clinics will be held in Meath on the 15th March in the following locations and times:

  • Kells in the Headfort Hotel from 10:30am – 1:15pm
  • Navan in the Newgrange Hotel from 2pm – 5pm
  • Ashbourne in the Pillow Hotel from 6pm – 8pm

 The Clinics will deal with:

  • Funding and Grant Applications
  • Setting up a new Festival / Event
  • Revenue and Sponsorship Opportunities
  • Leader and Cluster support
  • Risk/ Health and Safety and Insurance issues
  • Social Media Mentoring
  • European Networking Opportunities
  • Regional Connections, Contacts and General Troubleshooting

Participants MUST register with the AOIFE Secretariat in advance to book at 30 minute consultation during the time the team are there. The Advice Clinic Service is Free to AOIFE members and non-members must pay a small fee of €50 which can go towards purchasing a full AOIFE membership.

Priority will be given to member Festivals of AOIFE but it’s hoped the programme will give a chance for newer Festivals and Events in the non – profit sector to meet first hand with the Senior Team.

To register for your 30 minutes Advice Consultation and your 30 minute Social Media Mentoring please contact Membership Officer Celia on 090 964 5831, email or see for more information.