COVID-19 - Mental Health

For people who are isolated and struggling with their mood. 

If you are in crisis and would like to speak with somebody in confidence, please contact the Samaritans 24 hour Helpline on 116 123 or HSE mental health information line on 1800 742 444.

'In This Together' Mental Health Campaign

The spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is a new and challenging event. Everyone's lives and daily routines are affected by the measures that have been introduced to disrupt the spread of the virus, and keep us all safe.

It's normal to be worried or to feel stressed during this difficult time, but there are many things we can do to help us mind our mental health and wellbeing.


At you will find lots of advice and tips on how you can look after your mental wellbeing, stay active and stay connected. In This Together draws together a huge range of activities that you can pursue in your home or your locality, by yourself or with family members or with friends online. There are ideas and activities for people of all ages.

Some people might find this time more worrying than others and may need some extra support on the phone or online.

Whatever you are going through in isolation, let's stay connected and make it through, together.

Mental Health during COVID19


Please visit for support.



Zoom Support & Self Care Group

The Zoom Support & Self Care group is for people experiencing anxiety, depression, bi-polar disorder and other mood related conditions – who would like to see others on video.  Good wifi is necessary.  The purpose of these groups is for people to give and receive support and coping skills in relation to their mood related condition and feelings. 

Please see Support & Self Care groups  for details as to booking a place on either the Zoom or the Phone In group.


Support Line

Making the first call takes a lot of courage, whether this is the first time you’re concerned about your mood, or this is a recurring feeling. Picking up the phone to talk to us is a positive step. Freephone Support Line 1800 80 48 48 is open 7 days a week from 10am-10pm.


Support Mail

Sometimes it isn’t easy to talk on the phone. If you are feeling the impact of the current pandemic, concerned about your mood and not sure what services are available to you, please email You can expect a response in under 24 hours, 7 days a week.


Phone-in Support & Self-Care Groups

Experience anxiety, mild to moderate depression, bipolar disorder or other mood related conditions? In light of #Covid19, Aware has a new Phone-in Support & Self Care Group. Find out what’s involved and register now: Supporting your #mentalhealth


Life Skills Online

If you need help managing feelings of stress, worry, anxiety or depression - Aware's Life Skills Online programme may be for you. If you would like to find out more and be notified when registration is available online, sign up here: It's free and delivered entirely online over 8 weeks. Learn simple and practical skills to help cope with life’s challenges.


Virtual Life Skills Programme

As we had to postpone the face-to-face Life Skills Programme, we have launched a virtual programme with an online classroom. Learn how to make small, practical changes to reduce some of the symptoms associated with #anxiety #stress or #depression. Full details:


Anxiety During Covid-19

Bríd O'Meara, Director of Services at Aware, has put together information on what we can do to help manage our levels of anxiety at this time. Everything from understanding the role of anxiety, to helpful actions you can take to look out for yourself. Read full piece here: 


Accord Couples and Relationships Support Line

Accord is very conscious of those who are experiencing difficulties in their relationships and family  lives  during  the COVID-19 pandemic.

In response, ACCORD has set up a support line where callers can talk to experienced couples and relationship counsellors.

All contact details on operating hours are displayed on poster attached.

Resources for people with dementia, their families and carers

Online resources for people dementia, their families and carers and a booklet of activities which can be carried out at home.


Buddy Up and Make the Call

Cycle Against Suicide is asking us to 'Buddy Up and Make the Call!'

'Make the Call' to three people that you think may need support, be they family, friends, neighbours and/or colleagues. Say to them that they are NOT ALONE , we are in this TOGETHER, 'It's OK not to feel OK and that you are there for them'.

Share the 'Buddy Up and Make the Call' online sticker to encourage others to become involved and make that call!

The Alzheimer Society of Ireland

The Alzheimer Society of Ireland’s National Helpline is expanding with a new free call-back service which offers people with dementia and family carers from anywhere in Ireland the opportunity to book a 1:1 session with a Dementia Nurse or a Dementia Adviser during the COVID-19 public health emergency.

People with dementia and their family carers who want to avail of this new service can contact the National Helpline to make an appointment which is open six days a week Monday to Friday 10am–5pm and Saturday 10am–4pm on 1800 341 341. You can also email or use the Live Chat at