Town and Village Improvements
Meath County Council is working to improve town and villages in Meath and an example below is the Oldcastle Public Realm Scheme.
In July 2021 Meath County Council completed a Public Realm Plan for the town of Oldcastle that will modernise and upgrade the social, economic and heritage assets of the area. The main focus of the proposal is the town square central to Oldcastle, where the Council intends to create a renewed public space that will be the heart of the community, as well as a space that will attract and guide visitors to and around the area. The Public Realm Plan for the town of Oldcastle includes upgrades to the public realm, landscaping and streets of the town square as well as the surrounding connecting roads and spaces that form the town. The extent of the scheme is shown outlined in red in figure 1 below.
Meath County Council appointed a consultant engineer to prepare a Part 8 Planning Application for the public realm enhancement scheme for the main square of Oldcastle. The Part 8 Planning Application was submitted in July 2023. Planning documents are available at the following link:
The scheme was referred to An Bord Pleanála and Meath County Council is currently awaiting the outcome of their review.
Meath County Council in partnership with the National Transport Authority (NTA) constructed a new park and ride facility to service Laytown in 2021.
The overall objectives of this proposal are outlined as follows:
- To provide a park and ride facility to serve Laytown Train Station with improved pedestrian linkages to Seafield recreational grounds and laytown.
- To deliver an element of Laytown & Bettystown walking & Cycling Network Study, for the signalisation of the R150 at Rail underpass.
- To promote the use of public transport.
- The proposed works are intended to provide an off-road secure parking area to serve users of the Train and bus service within East Meath.
Meath County Council in partnership with the National Transport Authority (NTA) constructed a new park and ride facility to service at Garlow Cross, Navan in 2023.
The overall objectives of this proposal are outlined as follows:
- To provide a new park and ride facility to replace an existing Meath County Council car park located on the northern side of the Bellinter Road.
- To provide 50 No. spaces which will be accessed from the existing entrance on the L2201 Bellinter Road which has been upgraded.
- To promote the use of public transport.
- The proposed works are intended to provide an off-road secure parking area to serve users of the bus service at the 2 No bus stops on the R147.