Project Background

Project Background

The Dunboyne and Clonee Pedestrian and Cycle Scheme is envisaged to be a flagship scheme for connectivity of the towns of Dunboyne and Clonee to both public transport hubs and the Greater Dublin Area Cycle Network. 

Dunboyne and Clonee Pedestrian and Cycle Scheme Illustration

This project commenced in 2023 when Meath County Council with their appointed consultant Atkins Realis prepared Feasibility and Constraints studies to identify key constraints and opportunities associated with the scheme study area.  

The Dunboyne and Clonee Pedestrian and Cycle Scheme will see the development of a pedestrian and cycle network of circa 17km in length developed within both towns which will include:

  1. Upgrade of existing footpaths on approach and within both towns;
  2. New and upgraded crossings to allow pedestrians to access schools, amenities and services easier;
  3. 5 km of short pedestrian and cycle links to improve permeability and connectivity between residential areas, public transport, services and amenities;
  4. A Public Realm Scheme for both Clonee and Dunboyne;
  5. 6 km of new protected cycle track along Summerhill Road, Maynooth Road, Navan Road, Station Road, Rooske Road and Old Navan Road;
  6. 6 km of new greenway along the Dunboyne Bypass and Dunboyne Stream;
  7. Upgraded junctions to provide improved safety for all road users;
  8. Traffic calming to slow speeds and reducing through traffic.

This scheme has the potential to promote and enhance walking, cycling and the use of public transport by providing a superior network of footpath and cycleway connections for both towns’ residents. 

Things to Know

At this stage only the Emerging Preferred Options have been identified and no preliminary design work has been completed.

Trees at The Square in Dunboyne will not be impacted. Throughout the remainder of the network, the aim will be to avoid and minimise impacts to trees.

Every effort will be made to reduce the impact on parking bays and
loading bays.

A non-statutory Public Consultation on The Emerging Preferred Options will start on 29th of April 2024. 

The last date for submissions is 24th of May 2024 at 12 noon.

Please visit the formal consultation page  to make a submission. Consultation with other key stakeholders such as landowners will also progress simultaneously.

A general information brochure has been prepared for this non-statutory public consultation


Local Benefits –What's in it for our area?

  1. Similar schemes in Navan, Kells and Ashbourne's have increased those undertaking local recreational and commuter trips by walking and cycling modes. 
  2. Dunboyne has the third highest percentage of children aged 5 to 12 years actively travelling to school. A connected high-quality network will ensure a safer, more pleasant and more attractive environment for them to do this.
  3. Safe routes for walking and cycling will be provided to key clubs such as Dunboyne AFC, St Peters GAA, Dunboyne Athletic Club, Dunboyne Scouts Den, Dunboyne Community Centre and the Royal Meath Pitch and Putt Club.
  4. Enhanced public realm within Dunboyne and Clonee will make these centres more attractive, increasing footfall and thus opportunities for businesses.
  5. Carriageway narrowing can reduce speeding, while still being able to handle the same amount of traffic 


Wider Benefits

The Dunboyne and Clonee Pedestrian and Cycle Scheme will provide a key cycle
highway to Fingal which in the future will enable longer distance cycle commuting.

Encouraging people to walk and cycle rather than driving when they can, helps: 

  1. Improve road safety particularly for the elderly and children.
  2. Reduce emissions causing climate change.
  3. Improve our overall mental and physical health.
  4. Creates economic benefit for individuals and society.