Accessible Parking

Accessible parking in Meath and where to obtain a permit to use these spaces

accessible parking bay showing markings and blue sign with accessible logo

Accessible car parking spaces are strictly reserved for Holders of the Parking Permit for People with Disabilities.

These spaces are essential for people with disabilities and immobility needs to allow them to enjoy safe and independent access to shops, churches and entertainment areas, etc.

We ask drivers to obey current parking regulations and above all please think before you park.

Accessible Parking Bays are usually provided in the ratio of 1:25 spaces and are located throughout each town. The bays are usually coloured blue with an accessible logo marking.

sample accessible parking permit

Disabled Parking Permit

You can park for free if you have a Disabled Parking Permit in any Pay and Display space.


Vehicles displaying a valid Disabled Parking Permit can use the appropriate Accessible Parking Bay.

Visit the following websites for information about Disabled Parking Permits:

Access to Accessible Parking

For many people with disabilities, access to accessible parking is an essential lifeline. Not only are accessible spaces situated in a convenient location, close to shops, banks, etc., but they are also larger than other parking spaces.

When accessible parking spaces are not available, motorists with disabilities may not be able to:

  • Operate a passenger lift
  • Open a door wide enough to transferring in and out of the vehicle
  • Get Access to Mobility Aid

When Disabled Parking Spaces are full, a person holding a parking permit for people with disabilities can park their vehicle in any designated parking pay and display the permit.

Regretfully many able-bodied motorists park in these designated spaces, and abuse of these spaces is an everyday occurrence.

When parking please consider the needs of the motorists who really need the accessible space.