Civil Defence Services

Discover the wide range of services we provide / request our services

We have volunteers trained in each of the following services:

Civil Defence supports hundreds of community events throughout the year. These include large events such as air shows, tall ships, concerts and festivals, sports events. We also support smaller local events such as parades.

Request our Services

If you would like to request Civil Defence services, please complete the form below at least 21 days prior to your event

Please note (Catering arrangements for Civil Defence Personnel):
Duties of 3 hours or more must include a light meal (e.g. Tea/coffee or soup and sandwiches), duties of 5 hrs. + a more substantial meal is required to be provided by the organisers of the event for the volunteers

Contact Form
Nature of Event
Is your event being run for the benefit of a charity?

All Duties

Is an Ambulance Required?
Will a Doctor be available?

Event Safety Plan and Insurance MUST be current and in place and may be requested for inspection by Meath Civil Defence on the day.

Insurance Policy in Place?
Safety Plan for the Event in Place
  • I agree to indemnify Meath County Council and Civil Defence against any claims for loss or damage resulting from involvement in this event and I understand that in the event of Civil Defence Service committed to this activity being required for an Emergency Situation elsewhere service may be withdrawn without notice.
  • If Meath Civil Defence believes the Event is not being organised as required in the detailed plans or if the basic requirements are not being adhered to operate the event in a safe environment, the Meath Civil Defence volunteers will withdraw their services immediately.
  • I/We agree to mention Meath Civil Defence in all publicity associated with this event.

Alternatively, download the form below, complete and return (at least 21 days prior to your event) to:

Civil Defence Officer
Buvinda House
Dublin Road,
Co Meath

Request for Services Form - Civil Defence
How we handle personal information