Town Centre First Plan for Enfield

The Town Centre First policy was introduced “to create town centres that function as viable, vibrant and attractive locations for people to live, work and visit, while also functioning as the service, social, cultural and recreational hub for the local community.”

Dunshaughlin Town Centre First Graphic

Survey Results from Enfield Draft Town Plan Consultation

The Enfield Town Centre First (TCF) Plan is a non-statutory community level plan produced by the local Town Team, who represent the local community and business representatives, with the support of Meath County Council. It identifies the challenges, actions, and integrated responses across a number of themes (such as business/commercial; housing; built environment; community/cultural and heritage).

The Enfield TCF plan is supported under the “Our Rural Future” Programme. It will be action and project-orientated in nature and will assist Enfield in accessing funding available for town regeneration across several government departments and agencies.

The Plan is been developed in accordance with the guidance set out in the “Town Centre First - A Policy Approach for Irish Towns”, published by the Department of Rural and Community Development, the aim is to create town centres that function as viable, vibrant, and attractive locations for people to live, work and visit, while also functioning as the service, social, cultural and recreational hub for the local community.

Enfield Town Map

Analysis of Public Consultation in Enfield 2022

Future Consultation

There will be an opportunity to have your say on the Draft Plan this August. Visit this webpage or view our social media channels for updates.

Town Centre First Enfield Future Public Consultation

Status - 2023

Since the Town Team for Enfield has been formed in late May 2023, it has been busy at work, with the assistance of The Paul Hogarth Company (Consultants working on behalf of Meath County Council) and are currently developing a draft plan for Enfield. This draft plan will go on public display in Enfield in July/August 2023, where the public can come and give their views / suggestions on it.

Brainstorming about Enfield Town Plan

The Enfield Town Team along with Meath County Council and Consultants (The Paul Hogarth Company) will work to refine this public feed back into tangible themes to form the basis of the plan that creates the blueprint for the future development of Enfield.

Brainstorming about Enfield Town Plan with notes on table

With Community support and appropriate funding, the Town Plan vision will be realised to create an attractive climate resilient town which will help to define Enfield’s Image, identity and role within the wider region into the future.


Enfield Town Team

The Town Team for Enfield was formed at a meeting on 29th May 2023. The team consists of the following:


Members of the Enfield Town Team, May 2023

1 - Tom Curran - Enfield GAA

2 - Shane Foley - Education

3 - Rory Hannon - Business 

4 - Vera Kelly - Tidy Towns

5 - Angela Smith - Enfield Development Group

6 - John O Lone - Residents

7 - Alison Walsh - Disability Rep

8 - Michael Daly - Development

9 - Frank Hughes - Urban Design

10 - Aisling Tormey - Engineering

11 - Laura Anne Daly - Macra Na Feirme

12 - Darragh Potteron - Comhairle na nOg

13 - Cllr Ronan Moore - Councillor 

14 - Cllr Niamh Souhan - Councillor


Member of Enfield Support/Pillar Group

15 - Joe Morris - Enfield Development Group

16 - Andrea Garrad - Residents

17 - Ken Mitchell - Engineering

18 - Niamh Flynn - Youth

19 - Edward Carey - Business

20 - Brian O' Donoghue - Tidy Towns


Regeneration Team

The Regeneration team can be contacted at:

Town Regeneration Officer,

Meath County Council

Buvinda House,

Dublin Road,


Co. Meath. C15 Y291


Tel: 046 909 7000
