Town Centre First Plan for Dunshaughlin

Town Centre First Plan for Dunshaughlin

The Town Centre First policy was introduced “to create town centres that function as viable, vibrant and attractive locations for people to live, work and visit, while also functioning as the service, social, cultural and recreational hub for the local community.”

Dunshaughlin Town Centre First Graphic

The Dunshaughlin Town Centre First (TCF) Plan is a non-statutory community level plan produced by the local Town Team, who represent the local community and business representatives, with the support of Meath County Council. 

It identifies the challenges, actions, and integrated responses across a number of themes (such as business/commercial, housing, built environment, community/cultural and heritage).

The Dunshaughlin TCF plan is supported under the “Our Rural Future” Programme. It will be action and project-orientated in nature and will assist Dunshaughlin in accessing funding available for town regeneration across several government departments and agencies.

The Plan is been developed in accordance with the guidance set out in the “Town Centre First - A Policy Approach for Irish Towns”(pdf), published by the Department of Rural and Community Development.

Reimagining Dunshaughlin – Consultation Survey

Consultation available from 27th September to 6th October 2024

Meath County Council have commenced a community-led Town Centre First (TCF) plan for Dunshaughlin, which is supported by Irish government funding. Our team intend to listen to the ideas of the local people and businesses, to inform and guide the plan. 

The broad aim of a TCF would be to build on the past and current planning objectives, to generate a series of new practical recommendations to enhance and improve towns and villages. The village is therefore potentially set for what could be a radical transformation, and for this your input is vital.  The regeneration approach is expected to include both strategies for the re-use of redundant buildings and proposals for new public amenities. For example, this can comprise of very broad regeneration ‘urban strategies’, which could include, 

(I) proposals for revitalizing underused buildings, 

(II) improvements in the physical environment in terms of an appearance and accessibility, while 

(III) also addressing other issues that are of concern.  

Share your thoughts on what you think about the village centre at the moment and where you see opportunities for change and growth, and we welcome all suggestions or comments.

N.B. Please complete and  return your questionnaire on or before Sunday 6th October 2024.

Dunshaughlin Town Centre First - Town Team

Dunshaughlin has been selected as Meath’s second Town to undertake a Town Centre First Plan, which is part of the Governments Town Centre First initiative. 

In line with National Town Centre First Policy, a Town Team has been formed, including members of the public / groups / clubs / organisations etc. in Dunshaughlin.

The Team has a formal structure i.e., Chair, Secretary, Vice chair/Secretary etc., along with the supporting team/committee members.