Strategic Infrastructure Development

How to review the details of developments of strategic economic or social importance to the state or region

Strategic infrastructure Development (SID) can generally be described as development which is of strategic economic or social importance to the state or a region. 

It also includes development which will 

  • contribute significantly to the fulfilment of any of the objectives of the National Spatial Strategy or any regional spatial and economic strategy for an area
  • have significant effects on the area of more than one planning authority.

Planning applications for certain large scale private development, generally of a class which:

  • require an environmental impact assessment (EIA)
  • An Bord Pleanala certifies as meeting the criteria referred to above, 

must be made directly to An Bord Pleanála

When an application for a SID is lodged with An Bord Pleanala for the jurisdiction of County Meath, documentation will also be made available for viewing or purchase at our Planning Offices.

You can make a submission / observation to An Bord Pleanala within the appropriate time period. See An Bord Pleanála's guide to public participation
Please note that submissions are subject to  fee. Details of the schedule of fees can be found on An Bord Pleanála's website.

More information is available at