Section 179A Notices

Details of developments and works to be undertaken by Meath County Council, in accordance with Section 179A of the Planning & Development Act, 2000.

Please note that there is no provision for Submissions/Observations on the below proposed developments.

Details of the Council proposals can be viewed online by clicking on the Ref No link below. Most recent applications are at the top of the list.


S1792402 - Woodview Heights, Dunboyne, Co. Meath

Development Description: The development will consist of the following:

  • sub-division of existing 5-bedroom house to provide 2 no. dwellings comprising a 2-bed unit and 3-bed unit;
  • internal and external alterations and modifications to existing building unit;
  • new ground floor level extensions to the front and rear elevations of existing building unit;
  • revisions to existing site entrance to create separate vehicular entrances to serve both the proposed and existing dwelling;
  • connection to public sewers and mains water supply;
  • landscaping and boundary treatments; and,
  • all ancillary site works necessary to facilitate the development.

Development Location: Woodview Heights, Dunboyne, Co. Meath


S1792303 - New Lane, Abbeyland, Navan, Co. Meath

Development Description: The development will consist of the following:

  • refurbishment and renovation of existing derelict dwelling, a Protected Structure (MCC RPS Ref: 90871) at New Lane to provide a two-bed house. The works will comprise the demolition of single storey fire damaged non-original extension, construction of new single storey rear extension, internal and external elevational amendments;
  • demolition of existing fire damaged structures to rear area of properties at Nos. 3A and 3B New Lane;
  • construction of 5 no. residential units to cater for elderly tenants or persons with specialist needs comprising 4 no. 1-bed single storey semi-detached houses and 1 no. 1-bed single storey detached house;
  • new vehicular access from Abbeylands Crescent
  • upgrade of existing gated entrance onto New Lane to provide new pedestrian/cycling access to lands;
  • provision of public open space, boundary treatments, landscaping and SuDS drainage;
  • vehicular parking, cycle parking and refuse storage;
  • connection to public sewers and mains water supply; and,
  • all ancillary site works necessary to facilitate the development.

Development Location: New Lane, Abbeyland, Navan, Co. Meath


S1792302 - 15/16 Haggard Street, Trim, Co. Meath

Development Description: The development will consist of the following:

  • Demolition of existing derelict structures (comprising 2 no. single storey terraced house walls and associated outbuildings) on lands at No. 15 and No. 16 Haggard Street;
  • Construction of 4 no. single storey houses comprising 2 no. 1-bed single storey replacement terrace dwellings (fronting onto Haggard Street);
    and 2 no. 2-bed single storey semi-detached infill houses accessible from the existing rear lane;
  • Erection of public street-lighting, to rear lane;
  • Connection to public sewers and mains water supply; and,
  • All ancillary site works necessary to facilitate the development.

Development Location: No.15 and No. 16 Haggard Street, Trim, Co. Meath


S179A2301- 15/16 Haggard Street, Trim, Co. Meath (WITHDRAWN)

Development Description: The development will consist of the following:

  • Demolition of existing derelict structures (comprising 2 no. single storey terraced house walls and associated outbuildings) on lands at No.15 and No. 16 Haggard Street;
  • Construction of 4 no. single storey houses comprising 2 no. 1-bed single storey replacement terrace dwellings (fronting onto Haggard Street);
    and 2 no. 2-bed single storey semi-detached infill houses accessible from the existing rear lane;
  • Erection of public street-lighting, to rear lane;
  • Connection to public sewers and mains water supply; and,
  • All ancillary site works necessary to facilitate the development.

Development Location: No.15 and No. 16 Haggard Street, Trim, Co. Meath