Section 5 Declarations Issued

Under Section 5 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended), a person can seek a formal declaration from the planning authority to establish if there is a requirement for planning permission for a specific proposal. A list of Section 5 declarations issued are below. 

TS525016 - Patrick Lawless 

whether or not the principal of residential use has been established under previous granted exemption ref. no. TAS52480, conversion of vacant shop unit to dwelling. We now wish to extend the property to include proposed two rear extension, to two storey end terrace building is or is not exempted development

LS525014 - Paul O'Donnell

Whether or not refurbishment of existing St Patricks NS Slane school building is or is not exempted development.

LS525011 - Highfield Solar Ltd

Whether underground MV ducting and cabling linking existing and proposed substations is or is not exempted development.

AS525010 - Duleek Renewable Energy Limited

Whether non-material deviation in respect of permission granted (MCC PL. Ref. 21/2347) for the anaerobic Digestion (AD) Biogas facility is or is not exempted development.

TS525008 - Alan Smyth

Whether or not land reclamation works consisting of re-contouring of land, including infilling of greenfield soil and stone within a farm holding is or is not exempted development.

NS525006 - St Columban's Retirement Home

Whether minor elevational changes to replace 2 windows with escape fire door and the third door is a new insert into a wall to provide fire escape routes is development and whether or not it is exempted development

RS25005 - Marjan Wieringa

Whether the replacement kitchen and additional second bathroom and utility room is development and whether or not it is exempted development

KS525004 - Javabell Limited

Whether upgrades to include conversion of existing industrial storage building into accommodation for use under SI 605 for International Protection Applicants is development and whether or not it is exempted development

TS525003 - Stephen Mulligan

Whether the refurbishment and extensing of existing farmhouse cottage is or is not exempted development

NS525002 John Coleman

Whether or not the Installation of electrical equipment room, referred to as POWERSUB of 11.25m2, on steel structure over concrete foundations, to engineers details and specifications is or is not exempted development

KS525001 - Michael McGibbon c/o Ashdale Care Ireland Ltd

Whether or not the change of use of dwelling to use exclusively as a residence for persons with an intellectual, physical or mental disability is or is not exempted development.

LS524101 - Berta Lazarovici

Whether or not the use of certain land and stables at Lougher Duleek, Co Meath as an equestrian livery centre catering primarily for the horses of the applicant's children and of other school children, including special needs children, is or is not exempted development.