Old Johnstown Village Public Realm

Find out about Village Core Redevelopment and Public Realm Enhancement Scheme for Old Johnstown Village

Old Johnstown Village

1. Overview

Meath County Council in conjunction with the Paul Hogarth Company are commencing the preparation of a ‘Village Core Redevelopment and Public Realm Enhancement Scheme’ for Old Johnstown Village.

The scheme will include proposals for 3 distinct elements i.e. 

  1. Public Realm Interventions for the Village Centre. 
  2. The redevelopment of a key vacant site in the centre of the village.
  3. The renovation of the existing 2 storey stone historic building i.e. Mrs. Butterly’s

The focus of the scheme and the proposed interventions will be on the village centre and approaching routes.  (Please refer to Section 2 which identifies the main focus of the study area.) 

The future development of Old Johnstown Village will aim to recapture the village core for the Johnstown Community. All future development should take place in a manner which consolidates the village’s character and integrates with the existing environment. 

The plan will aim to build upon the recent public realm interventions implemented by the active local community group and further reconnect this active community with its village core to create a vibrant and sustainable village.

It is intended that the preparation and implementation of the scheme will address the current issues and challenges that are currently negatively impacting the village and surrounding environment. 

The proposed scheme will seek to restore, improve and enhance the pedestrian movement throughout the village and provide a space for the community to gather. 

The proposed scheme will set out a clear vision and associated objectives for the redevelopment of the village core and public enhancement in the surrounding area. 

The scheme will also seek to be the catalyst for the revitalisation of the village core and surrounding area, whilst pursuing a continued pattern of development that respects the inherent characteristics of the natural and built environment. 

2. Study Area

The focus of the Scheme and the proposed interventions will be on the village centre and immediate surrounds. See map below.

Map of Old Johnstown Village

3. Project Progress & Status

December 2023 - Meath County Council has appointed The Paul Hogarth Company to prepare the Old Johnstown Village Core Redevelopment and Public Realm Enhancement Scheme. The scheme preparation is at the initial stages i.e. analysis, first thoughts, initial engagement-surveys etc. 

4. Get Involved - Have your Say

We would encourage you to get involved in this project by completing the survey.  

Please complete survey by Friday 26th of January 2024.

A further public engagement process will take place once proposals have been prepared.

All proposals will be subject to the availability of funding.