Current Owner Deceased

Current Owner Deceased

How to change ownership of a vehicle when the current owner is deceased

Where the current owner (seller) of the vehicle is deceased, a letter from the Executor of Will or Solicitor showing the buyer's right to the vehicle should accompany the Vehicle Registration Certificate (VRC) that should be sent to the Department of Transport.

Where the VRC is not available or cannot be produced, the Department of Transport accept a declaration of ownership change in the form of a statutory declaration sworn before a Commissioner of Oaths or Practicing Solicitor. The Statutory Declaration must also be accompanied by the aforementioned letter from Executor of Will or Solicitor.

A Statutory Declaration Form can be obtained at your local Motor Tax Office.

Department of Transport Contact Details:

Driver and Vehicle Computer Services Division
Department of Transport 
County Clare

Phone: 0818 411 412 or 353 61 365005 (outside Ireland)