Tax a School Bus

Bus Éireann operates the School Transportation Service on behalf of the Department of Education and awards contracts to operators to provide the service.

 You need the following documents to tax a vehicle at the tax class school bus

  • RF100 – this form is used for a brand-new vehicle or an imported vehicle upon it’s first taxing in the state.


  • RF111 – Change of Particulars – this form is used if details relating to you, or the vehicle have changed since the
      vehicle was last taxed.


  • RF100A – in all other cases use form RF100A


  • Article 60 Licence


  • Complete the Meath Licensing Authority - School Bus Declaration 


  • Submit documentary evidence from Bus Éireann stating that the vehicle is providing a School Transportation Service on behalf of Bus Éireann. The documentary evidence can take the following forms:

    Written correspondence from Bus Éireann stating that your vehicle (the registration number of the vehicle must be quoted) is providing a school transportation service on behalf of Bus Éireann. The correspondence should also confirm the commencement date and the cessation date for the provision of the school transportation service.


    A fully completed copy of the Article 60 PSV Regulations - Schools Licence Application Form. Section A of this Form is completed by the Applicant, Section B of the form is completed and stamped by the Bus Éireann School Transport Office and Section C of this form is completed and stamped by the PSV Office.


    The Bus Éireann document titled "Operating Board" along with the correspondence received from Bus Éireann that accompanied the "Operating Board" document. If you choose to submit this document please note that you should redact the students name, parent name/s, and any other third party name from the "Operating Board" document prior to submitting it to the Licensing Authority. You must submit an "Operating Board" document for all school transportation route/s that the vehicle will be used on.




Meath Licensing Authority - School Bus Declaration