Tax a Recovery Vehicle

A "recovery vehicle" is a vehicle, which will be used exclusively in connection with the lifting, towing and transporting of a disabled vehicle.

Vehicles used in the transportation of plant and machinery such as low loaders are not considered to be recovery vehicles and therefore must be taxed at the goods rates.

If taxing a vehicle for the first time as a recovery vehicle you must have the vehicle inspected by an Authorised Officer of the Motor Taxation Department.

Recovery vehicles need to be inspected in the following circumstances

  • On the first taxation of a vehicle as a recovery vehicle
  • On the renewal of taxation following a change of ownership

You are advised to make an appointment in advance of your visit to the office by contacting us at 046 9097000.

To be considered for taxation as a recovery vehicle the following items need to fitted to the vehicle

  • A winch or lifting equipment needs to be permanently fitted to the vehicle
  • The vehicle must have at least two flashing beacons in working order
  • The word “Recovery Vehicle” must be inscribed on the vehicle doors and on the front of the vehicle body.

First Time Taxation of a Recovery Vehicle

You need the following for the first time taxation of a recovery vehicle, to a registered owner:

  1. Completed Application
    • Form RF100 (If the vehicle is new you will obtain form RF100 from your garage or if the vehicle is imported you will obtain it from the National Car Testing Service – )
    • Form RF100A – (available at if it is your first time taxing the vehicle upon a change of ownership to your name.
  2. Vehicle Insurance Details - Original Certificate of Insurance which must state that the vehicle concerned is covered for use as a Recovery Vehicle.
  3. Weight Docket and Weigh Masters Certificate from an Authorised Weighbridge

    For an articulated vehicle, the vehicle and trailer are regarded as a single vehicle

    Motor Tax is Payable on the basis of
    • the unladen weight of the tractor unit
    • the unladen weight of the heaviest trailer that may be used at any time during the period of the vehicle licence. Please note that the weight docket and weigh master certificate must be in date, i.e. dated within three months of the receipt of a valid motor taxation application.
  4. Appropriate Fee – rates available at
  5. Recovery Vehicle Declaration Form – RF111B – available upon request

Renewing Motor Tax on a Recovery Vehicle

You need the following to renew motor taxation on a recovery vehicle currently registered to you:

  1. Completed application form, i.e. Reminder RF100B or Tax Renewal Form RF100A – available at
  2. Appropriate Fee – rates available at
  3. Vehicle Insurance details
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