Tax a Public Service Vehicle

Public Service Vehicles (P.S.V.) are vehicles that carry passengers for hire or reward, and are separated into two categories:

  • Large Public Service Vehicle (LPSV) - Vehicle capable of carrying more than 8 passengers – e.g. Buses
  • Small Public Service Vehicle (SPSV) - Vehicles capable of carrying 8 passengers or less only – e.g. Taxi's, Hackney's and Limousines

In order to operate a vehicle as a P.S.V. there are two types of licence required:

  • P.S.V. Drivers Licence - 'the driver's badge'
  • P.S.V. Vehicle Licence

P.S.V. Driver and Vehicle licences are regulated by the National Transport Authority. For information on requirements and application process for these, please see

First Time Taxation of a New or Imported Public Service Vehicle

You need the following for the first time taxation of a P.S.V. vehicle:

  • Completed Application Form RF100 (If the vehicle is new you will obtain form RF100 from your garage or if the vehicle is imported you will obtain it from the National Car Testing Service – or form RF100A, if it is your first time taxing the vehicle upon a change of ownership to your name.
  • Appropriate Fee  - rates available at
  • P.S.V. Licence

Renew your Public Service Vehicle Motor Tax

You need the following to renew your Public Service Vehicle motor taxation:

  • Completed application form, i.e. Reminder RF100B or Tax Renewal Form RF100A available at
  • Appropriate Fee – rates available at
  • P.S.V. Licence
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