Tax a Light Goods Vehicle

Light goods vehicles are vehicles not exceeding 3,500 kg Design Gross Vehicle Weight.

Taxing of Light Goods / Commercial Vehicles

Please note if a vehicle is used in any private capacity i.e. for social, pleasure or domestic purposes, it must be taxed at the private rate.

You need the following for the first time taxation of your Light Goods Vehicle:

  1.  Completed Application Form RF100 (If the vehicle is new you will obtain Form RF100 from your garage or if the vehicle is imported you will obtain it from the National Car Testing Service – ) or Form RF100A (available at ) if it is your first time taxing the vehicle upon a change of ownership to your name.
  2. Completed Goods Only Declaration Form RF111A (available at ) - stamped and witnessed at a Garda station. 
  3. Original Certificate of Insurance which must state that the vehicle concerned is covered for commercial / business use in the course of the registered owners trade or business. Please note that the name of the policy holder as detailed on the Certificate of Insurance should match the name of the registered owner of the vehicle as it appears on the National Vehicle and Driver File (N.V.D.F.) record / Vehicle Registration Certificate.
  4. Weigh-Masters Certificate and Weight Docket from an Authorised Weighbridge
    A weight docket from an authorised weighbridge, is required for the first time taxing of a Light Goods Vehicle (L.G.V.) where motor taxation Form RF100 is used, if the vehicle exceeds 1,524 kg unladen weight. (See Note 4 on form RF100 - Motor Tax Application for a Vehicle)

    A weight docket from an authorised weighbridge, is required for the first time taxing of a Light Goods Vehicle (L.G.V.) following a change of ownership where motor taxation Form RF100A / B is used, if the vehicle exceeds 1,524 kg unladen weight.

    A weight docket from an authorised weighbridge, is required if you are changing the tax class or basis of assessment of the vehicle, if the vehicle weighs more than 1,524 kg. An example of this would be a current owner changing the tax class of a goods vehicle from private to goods. (See Note C4 on Change of Particulars Form RF111)

    In all cases a weight docket from an authorised weighbridge, will be required if the unladen weight of the vehicle is not recorded on the N.V.D.F.

    Please note that the Weight Docket must be in date, i.e. dated within 3 months of the receipt of a valid motor taxation application. The registered owner of the vehicle must fully complete Section B of the Weigh-Masters Certificate.


     5.  Vehicle Registration Certificate (not applicable when registering a vehicle for the first time using motor taxation form RF100).

     6. The Motor Taxation Office, in its absolute discretion, may require additional information.

Customer Information Pack and Checklist

To assist you in the making of a valid motor taxation application for the taxation of a light goods vehicle please refer to the customer information pack and checklist. Please note that if you indicate No (X) in any of the boxes it may not be possible to tax your vehicle at the light goods rate in which case you should consider taxing your vehicle at the private motor taxation rate.

To renew motor taxation on a Light Goods Vehicle currently registered to you the following is required:-

  • Completed application form, i.e. Reminder RF100B or Tax Renewal Form RF100A – forms available at
  • Appropriate Fee.

Please note that you can renew motor taxation on a Light Goods Vehicle online at

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