Motor Tax Department Opening Hours

Motor Tax Department Public Opening Hours:

9:00am – 1:00pm Monday to Friday


Motor Tax Department Public Telephone Hours:

3.00 pm - 5.00 pm Monday to Friday

Before telephoning the office please note that the answer to most motor taxation queries can be found on this site or the Department of Transport's online motor taxation site / facility - All queries regarding the Department of Transport's online motor taxation site / facility should be referred to the Department of Transport by calling 0818 411 412 or 353 61 365005 (outside Ireland). The local motor taxation offices cannot assist you with queries regarding the online motor taxation site / facility. Please also note that the Meath Motor Taxation office can only assist you with a query if your vehicle is currently registered to a Co. Meath address. If your vehicle is registered to an address outside of Co. Meath you will need to contact the relevant motor taxation office / county.

Alternatively, you can contact the office by e-mail: