Change of Personal Details

Update your personal details / postal address

Change of Surname

Please tick the relevant section (Change of Surname) on the reverse side of your Vehicle Registration Certificate (VRC) and return it to the Department of Transport with the correct details. 

You must also submit evidence supporting your change of surname (marriage certificate, previous name change by deed poll etc). A surname cannot be changed without supporting documentation. Upon receipt of all the required particulars the Department of Transport will change your details and post a new VRC to you.

Change of Address

Please tick the relevant section (Change of Address) on the reverse side of your Vehicle Registration Certificate (VRC) and return it to the Department of Transport with the correct details.

The Department of Transport will change your details and post a new VRC to you. You can also change address online but only as part of an online motor tax transaction. You cannot change your address by email or over the phone.

Department of Transport Contact Details:

Driver and Vehicle Computer Services Division
Department of Transport 
County Clare

Phone: 0818 411 412 or 353 61 365005 (outside Ireland)