STEAM Backpack: The Great Outdoors

Get outdoors and explore nature with this backpack.  You even get some free seedbombs to create your own wildflower patch at home.

STEAM Backpack The Great Outdoors

How to Borrow a STEAM Backpack

Backpack Contents


  1. A year around the great oak by Gerda Muller
  2. In my garden. National Geographic Kids
  3. The great big book of Irish wildlife through the seasons by Juanita Browne, illustrated By Barry Reynolds
  4. Usborne's My First Outdoor Book by Minna Lacey & Abigail Wheatley, Illustrated by Jane Newland.


  1. Gardening for biodiversity booklet-for the children/families to keep
  2. Seedbombs-for the children/families to keep (pack contains 3 seedbombs)
  3. Binoculars
  4. Garden snap (contains 52 cards)
  5. Go find it scavenger hunt game (contains 33 cards in a drawstring bag)


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Additional Resources

Usborne quicklinks- Watch videos of flowers blooming, see a show garden with spinning trees and moving flowerpots, and discover fun garden activities


Usborne Quicklinks- Escape to the outdoors and discover the wonders of nature with links to videos and activities where you can see a baby snail up close, find out about clouds and shadows and make a bird feeder.


Check out these VR (virtual reality) videos. Simply click on the images below and you will find yourself high up on the Great Palm House gantry, in the Curvilinear Range, inside the Viking House, or within the National Herbarium.


Poppy & Sam in the garden-colouring page


Outdoor discovery starter pack from DK books


Germinate Seeds and Watch Them Sprout on the Windowsill: No need for dirt! In this gardening activity, your child will "plant" a bean in a plastic bag - then watch it sprout!


Borrow these Digital Magazines for Kids kids for free with your library card



Growing Vegetables is Fun Digital Magazines    NAtional Geographic Little Kids