TTRS can be beneficial for:
- learners with Dyspraxia
- learners with Dysgraphia
- students studying English as a second language
- those who wish to upskill and improve their general typing skills
- those who wish to improve their literacy skills or those having literacy difficulties
- those who wish to improve their memory skills or who are experiencing memory problems
How does TTRS work?
TTRS is an online course which can be accessed from school, at home or in the public library. The course is very user-friendly. There are many different levels and modules which learners can work through and improve on. On completion of various modules, you can generate Certificates of Completion for your students. In addition to the main TTRS course, there is also a TTRS subjects section. This is only recommended after learners have completed at least 3 levels of the main course. Subjects include maths, grammar and science.
How to get access to TTRS
For Parents
If you would like access to TTRS, please contact your local library, giving your full name, email address and Library card number. Alternatively you can email meathlibrariessocial@meathcoco.ie. We will then send you a username and password along with the login instructions.
For Schools
Licences for teachers to use this resource with their students are offered on a first come-first served basis. If you would like access to TTRS, please contact our Primary Schools Service at primaryschools@meathcoco.ie or 046-9097370, giving your full name, email address and School. We will send you a username and password along with the login instructions. For further useful information on TTRS check out their website.