Migrations Postcard Project

Migrations Postcard Project

Children from 4 primary schools in Meath recently particpated in the Meath Libraries Migrations Postcards Project. The project was facilitated by author/illustrator, Tatyana Feeney and funded by the Dormant Accounts Fund.

Each school particpated in a series of workshops where they read and discussed the Silent Books Collection (wordless picture books) that was recently acquired by Meath Libraries, and which came about as a response to migrating populations. Each child was asked to design a postcard with a bird (or birds) on the front and also a message of welcome or greeting written on the back. The idea behind the postcards is to convey that people, like birds, have been migrating across Europe and the postcards are a way of welcoming people to Ireland and saying that we are all members of the same “flock”.

The videos below are a compliation of the work from each school.  The postcards have been exchanged with the particpating classes to allow them to see each others work.

Tatyana Feeney in the rain with an umbrella and blue raindropsProject Facilitator: Tatyana Feeney http://tatyanafeeney.com/  

Tatyana grew up in Chapel Hill, North Carolina and spent a lot of her early childhood going to the library and listening to stories. She still loves books and reads as much as she can in her free time.

She is now based in County Meath, Ireland where she spends a lot of time working on illustrations and new story ideas. Most of her artwork is done using monoprinting but she often adds collage or watercolor to the finished pieces.

Her books have been nominated for several awards including: The UKLA Book Award, the Waterstone's Children's Book Prize, and the Kate Greenway Medal. Little Owl's Orange Scarf was the winner of the Rotherham Children's Book Award in the Picture Book Category in 2014. Her artwork has been exhibited in Dublin, Belfast, Vienna, Bologna, London and The Hague. Illustrations from Small Elephant's Bathtime were included in the Society of Illustrator's Original Art Exhibition 2015.

In addition to children's books, she has also provided illustrations for CD covers, magazines, greeting cards and websites.


Dormant Accounts Fund LogoThe Migrations Postcards Project was funded by The Dormant Accounts Fund.