These include:
Local Studies Projects and Publications
Projects contributed to or undertaken by the Local Studies Department of the Meath County Library Service
Politics and War in Meath (Reprint) 2010, RRP 15 euro
A Meath Anthology 2010, RRP 10 euro
A Walk Along the Boyne 2018, RRP 10 euro
They Shall Grow Not Old 2018, (with Navan & District Historical Society), RRP 10 euro
Meath History and Society (Geography Publications), 2015, RRP 50 euro
Mapping Meath in the Early 19th Century, with an Atlas of William Larkin’s Map of County Meath 1812 by Arnold Horner (Wordwell 2007)
Politics and War in County Meath 1913-1923 by Oliver Coogan (Meath County Council 2013)
Visit the Online Catalog to view these publications.