Renew Books

Renew your books / loans online

Please note: Since 29th of March our online system has changed and you will need to Reset your PIN to be able to log in to your account.  You can do this online at the Forgot my PIN section of our Online Catalogue. If you experience difficulties doing this please contact your local library and staff will be able to reset your PIN for you locally.

To renew your loans you will need your library card number and your 4-digit PIN.

  • Login to My Account and access the dashboard.
  • Select the tile to display all Current loans.
  • If you want to renew individual loans select by ticking the checkbox for each loan you would like to renew then click Renew Selections, under the Options menu.
  • If you want to renew all your current loans, click Renew All, under the options menu.
  • Now please wait while the system processes your selections. Your list of loans will be returned showing the result for each renewal in the status column. Some renewals may not be successful. Please note the new due date for each loan.

  • Please note that if an item is on hold for another library member then you will not be able to renew this item online.
  • You can renew your items up to a maximum of 5 times.