Tablet Loan

You can borrow a tablet for use in our libraries in Ashbourne, Dunboyne, Dunshaughlin, Kells, Navan, and Trim


Tablet Docking Staiton

Use your library card and PIN to release a tablet from the docking station and use it to access the Internet, the library's Online Resources and other pre-installed apps .

The tablets are made by Samsung and run on an Android operating system. They will only work inside the library building on the library's WiFi network. Google Play is disabled so you cannot download your own apps.  If you wish to request an app to be added to the tablet please email the library.

Conditions of Use

  1. Tablets must not be removed from the library building.
  2. You are responsible for the tablet that you borrow.  Any loss or damage will be charged for.
  3. The tablets will only work inside the library building on the library’s WiFi network. All tablets are tracked by location.
  4. You can borrow a tablet for 2 hours.  After this time the tablet will be locked and you must return it to the Hublet docking station.  Please check that the return is confirmed at the docking station. Once returned, all user data will be erased from the tablet.
  5. There are 2 profiles on the tablets: Adult and Child.  Please choose the child profile for anyone under 15 years of age. 
  6. Children under 15 must have parental consent to use a tablet.
  7. Children under 8 must be supervised by an adult when using a tablet.