My Open Library

My Open Library

My Open Library offers extended opening hours to library members on a self-service basis outside normal opening hours, seven days a week, from 8am to 10pm, 365 days a year. During My Open Library Hours you can borrow and return items, print, photocopy, use the Internet, access Free Wifi and use our study space.

My Open Library is in operation in Enfield Library

My Open Library will be extended to Trim Library, Ashbourne Library, Kells Library, Nobber Library and Slane Library.

  • Library members must be 16 years or over to avail of the service
  • Registration must take place during staffed hours, so that full details of the service can be provided by staff in advance of My Open Library usage.   
  • No staff is present when My Open Library service is in operation.
  • The library is monitored by CCTV cameras all the time during My Open Library mode.
  • Members can access Wi-Fi and avail of self-service printing and photocopying, borrowing and returning items and using the Internet/Computing Facilties.
  • To register to become an Open Library Member you should contact the relevant MOL library directly.

'My Open Library" is part of “Our Public Libraries 2022 – Inspiring, Connecting and Empowering Communities Strategy”, a progressive strategy which aims to improve access, use and visibility of the library as a community hub, and develop the library as a focal point for community and cultural development.

The Strategy, which was guided by the public consultation process, aims to make public libraries attractive and welcoming spaces where all members of the community can access knowledge, ideas and information, and where people can reflect, connect and learn.

Terms and Conditions

My Open Library is a service which facilitates the use of the library outside staffed times.  Please note that there is no staff present. Issues that occur during My Open Library times should be recorded on a comments/feedback form available at the front entrance of the library or emailed to the relevant library. For issues relating to security, see item 15 below. The premises is CCTV monitored on a 24/7 basis.

My Open Library Terms and Conditions:

  1. Members must be 16 years or over to become a ‘My Open Library Member’. Members aged 16 and 17 must have parental consent to become a ‘My Open Library Member’.
  2. Members must have an up-to-date membership to become a ‘My Open Library Member’.
  3. Members must be informed and aware of the layout and operations of the library when in its unstaffed ‘My Open Library’ mode. This information is provided to each member in a brief induction given by library staff as part of the joining process for My Open Library.
  4. Members may use the My Open Library service where it is available in other branches of Meath County but must attend an induction for each of the My Open Library branches they wish to access.
  5. Members must not keep their library card and PIN together. If a library card is lost or stolen, please inform the library as soon as possible.
  6. Only Parents/Guardians/Carers can bring children under 16 into the library during My Open Library hours and must be present at all times when the children are in the library. 
  7. If an instance occurs that My Open Library member is left alone with an unattended child, they must request the presence of another adult and contact An Garda Síochána. 
  8. It is necessary than any infringements or concerns regarding child protection breaches  are reported to An Garda Síochána, where there is an immediate concern contact TUSLA ( or the HSE ( these concerns must also be recorded in the comments/incident form in the library or emailed.
  9. Members must use their own card only and must not allow others to use their card.
  10. Each member must swipe their card on every occasion they enter the library and cannot enter without swiping while accompanying another member. 
  11. The Library main entrance is wheel chair accessible; in the event of a fire please exit through the main door or the exit fire doors. (The Emergency exit route is attached)
  12. Upon hearing the Fire Alarm members must leave the building immediately
  13. It is the responsibility of each ‘My Open Library Member’ to ensure that they do not allow or facilitate access to the library of any other person and must ensure that the front door is completely closed after their arrival and after exiting.  The only exceptions to this are set out in terms 6 and 11.
  14. It is the responsibility of each ‘My Open Library Member’ to be aware of their environment when entering/exiting the library and to wait beside the door until it is closed
  15. Where needles/sharps/dangerous materials are present, do not touch and report using the comments/incident form or via email
  16. Members must bring a mobile telephone with them when using the library during My Open Library hours. In the event of an issue arising in relation to security, the phone no. of the Security Company is 0818333288 or alternatively ring An Garda Siochana  112/999 These numbers should be saved to the member’s phone.
  17. In the case of a medical emergency, the members are asked to phone an ambulance [112 from mobile phone]. Library Eircode no. is A83 X920. Members should allow the ambulance staff into the library and complete details of the incident in the comment book. 
  18. In the event of a mild medical emergency and items from the First Aid box are used to treat a person please ensure that this occurrence has been noted in the comments/incident form or emailed and any medical supplies that were used are also noted
  19. Upon registration you must make staff aware of any mobility or health issues you may have that might impact on you using the My Open Library Service i.e. Epilepsy
  20. If you become unwell in the public toilet, please note there is an alarm cord which can be pulled to trigger the monitoring company to respond 
  21. Personal items are the responsibility of My Open Library Members
  22. Do not place cables, bags, laptops, leads where they may cause a trip hazard
  23. Food is not permitted in the library during My Open Library hours however members are permitted to bring their own bottles of water to consume
  24. Animals are not permitted on the premises with the exception of guide dogs
  25. It is advised that headphones/noise reduction devices are not used during My Open Library hours
  26. Members must understand the emergency evacuation procedures for the library during My Open Library hours. 
  27. Meath County Council reserves the right to suspend the use of My Open Library when prevailing weather conditions or a severe weather warning dictates the closing of public buildings. Such decisions will be communicated via social media: Meath County Council Website ( Twitter (@meathcoco ) or on the Meath County Council Face Book Page
  28. Unacceptable Behaviour while using the My Open Library service, includes but is not limited to-
    1. The use of threatening or abusive behaviour towards customers or staff.
    2. Partaking in any illegal activity (including false alarms to emergency services). 
    3. Damaging library property, including emergency equipment
    4. Entering areas of the library marked Staff Only.
    5. Non-compliance with health and safety procedures and fire drills.
    6. Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
    7. Non- compliance with the Copyright Act 2000
    8. Using tobacco products including electronic cigarettes
    9. Removing materials from the library without first checking them out.
    10. Leaving your belongings unattended in the library especially overnight.
    11. Not evacuating when the alarm system is triggered or at the end of the permitted My Open Library hours
    12. Intentionally setting off the alarm systems


My Open Library members in breach of these terms and conditions will have their access to the My Open Library Service suspended. The periods of suspension are:

  • 1st Occurrence– 2-month suspension
  • 2nd Occurrence – 6-month suspension
  • 3rd Occurrence– 1-year suspension
  • Users may, at the discretion of the County Librarian, be permanently suspended from the service for serious breaches of the terms and conditions.

My Open Library members in breach of terms and conditions will be informed of this breach by phone call, followed by a letter/email advising them of the breach and the date from which this appropriate suspension will be enforced.  Members have 30 days to appeal the suspension. The appeal should be made in writing/email for the attention of the County Librarian. 

  1. Parents/Guardians/Carers are responsible for ensuring their children adhere to the policies above and are responsible for the behaviour of their children in this unsupervised service.