Rental Accommodation Scheme

The Rental Accommodation Scheme (RAS) was introduced to cater for the accommodation needs of people who are receiving rent supplement for more than 18 months and who have a long term housing need.

The scheme makes private rented properties available as an additional source of accommodation for eligible applicants.

Tenants can return to full time employment under this scheme and are expected to contribute rent directly to us based on their income and the Council's Differential Rent Scheme

How to Apply

The RAS Section of Meath County Council Housing Department is currently concentrating on securing contracts on existing Landlords and Tenant files on hand.

As priority is being given to people on our waiting list, we are currently not in a position to accommodate any transfer request from Rental Accommodation Scheme tenants outside Meath.

Who can apply?

Applicants must be in receipt of rent supplement for a minimum period of 18 months and be assessed as having a long-term housing need.

It should be noted that RAS tenants who fall into rent arrears or who engage in Anti-Social Behaviour risk eviction and could lose all future entitlement to any social housing support from Meath County Council.

How we handle personal information