Taxonomy List

Funding for Architectural Heritage Conservation

Grants, schemes and incentives to support the conservation of architectural heritage. 

The Build Heritage Investment Scheme (BHIS) is for the repair and conservation of structures that are protected under the Planning and Development Acts.

The primary focus of the Historic Structures Fund is on conservation and enhancement of historic structures and buildings for the benefit of communities and the public.

A wide range of other funding opportunities can also be found below.

Traditional Farm Buildings Grant Scheme

An annual grants scheme from the Heritage Council funded by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine for the conservation and repair of traditional farm buildings and related structures. 

This scheme is funded under the transitional arrangements of the 2014-20 Rural Development Programme - the Agricultural Fund for Development in Europe 

Only farmers approved in the Green Low-Carbon Agri-Environment Scheme (GLAS) are eligible to apply.

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