Conservation Officer

Conservation in Meath County Council

What is a Conservation Officer and what do they do?

The Conservation Officer provides advice to a wide range of stakeholders including the general public, community groups, Council staff, etc regarding the maintenance of historic structures and areas in County Meath. 

The job also involves encouraging and supporting owners, local and national stakeholders through the provision of advice and through the various funding schemes operated by the Council.

An important element of the job is to liaise with owners and professionals about their development proposals which may affect historic buildings, or new buildings in historic areas. 

The Conservation Officer works with the various construction professions (architects, engineers, surveyors) and skilled based works (Stone masons, Thatch roofers, Lime Plasters) to promote good practice in how we look after older buildings. 

Meath’s Architectural Conservation Officer

Meath's Conservation Officer

Our current Conservation Officer, Robert Miles, was appointed in 2017 and has been working on funding schemes, Protected Structures and Historic Conservation Areas.

Robert is a member of the Steering group/ Project Team on the THRIVE project for the new County Meath Archive, which secured €7 million in EU funding in 2024.

You can contact our Conservation Officer by email at with any Conservation related queries.