Meath Field Names Project

The Field Name project was established to record and publish the ‘Field Names’ of County Meath along with their history, features, name origin and folklore.

The Field Names of Meath Book Cover showing photographs of fields
The Field Names of Meath Book Cover

Much of this information is being carried in folk memory and is at risk because of the diminishing population of farmers and rural dwellers, changing ownership patterns along with developments such as motorways, field amalgamations and modern farming practices.

The project is guided by an elected Steering Group along with a network of local volunteers and continues to gather field names for Meath townlands not already surveyed. They welcome contact from people who would like to help with this work. 

The project launched a book titled 'The Field Names of County Meath' in June 2013 and has also been working on making all the field names and associated information available through online mapping. The interactive mapping was launched on their website in June 2014 and is being constantly improved upon.

Meath Field Names Project Links