Meath County Council Incentives for the Preservation of Architectural Heritage

Architectural preservation incentives

Reduction in Development Contributions for Protected Structures

Change of Use applications for protected structures shall be exempt except where new services are availed of. Where a development proposes the bringing back into use of a protected structure that is underutilised or not being used, even where new services are availed of, it is considered that the planning gain could warrant an exemption from development contributions.

In constrained town centre sites, sites within an Architectural Conservation Area, derelict sites, sites in need of regeneration, gateway sites, displacement of inappropriate uses or in applications to redevelop a protected structure, a reduction in car parking contributions (where sufficient spaces cannot be provided on site) of up to 50% shall be at the discretion of the Planning Authority.

Housing Grants Schemes

Applications will be prioritised on the basis of medical need and will be subject to the availability of funding.