Irish Georgian Society Grants

Since the year 2000, the Irish Georgian Society has supported c. 180 projects through its Conservation Grants Programme. 

With in excess of €1.6m in grants awarded during this time, the Society has assisted conservation works to ‘structures of significant architectural merit’ throughout Ireland, ranging from country and town houses, to churches, follies and garden buildings. 

The initiative is an essential and ongoing part of the Society’s works and is made possible through funding from IGS London, IGS Inc (USA) and sums raised in Ireland. Small grants have assisted with the repair of countless roofs, windows and gutters, and enabled the preparation of conservation plans that can provide essential road maps in the restoration of historic buildings. 

Details of many of the projects assisted by the IGS can be found here:

The Irish Georgian Society will be inviting applications for its Conservation Grants Programme 2025 with submissions opening in late January/early February 2025.

Structures of architectural interest from across the country are eligible for funding from IGS London while the newly created Homan Potterton Conservation Grant is available only to Georgian buildings of architectural merit anywhere in the counties of Meath or Westmeath.


Since 2014 the Irish Georgian Society’s Conservation Grants Programme has been generously funded by IGS London during which time the Society has supported over forty conservation projects that have included country houses and castles, thatched cottages and historic townhouses, architectural follies, and churches. Projects have included repairs to roofs, windows and rain water goods, the restoration of painted and stained glass windows, support for conservation plans and building appraisals, and other conservation initiatives.


Applications for the 2025 grants programme will open in late January/early February 2025.

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