Water Conservation Facts and Figures

Facts and figures about water and conservation

10 Facts About Water:

  • Somewhere between 70 and 75 percent of the earth’s surface is covered with water.
  • Much more fresh water is stored under the ground in aquifers than on the earth’s surface.
  • The total amount of water on the earth is approx. 326 million cubic miles of water.
  • Of all the water on the earth, humans can use only about three tenths of a percent of this water.
  • Roughly 70 percent of an adult’s body is made up of water.
  • Water is absolutely essential to the human body’s survival. A person can live for about a month without food, but only about a week without water.
  • Drinking water leads to overall greater health by flushing out wastes and bacteria that can cause disease.
  • Water naturally moisturises skin and ensures proper cellular formation underneath layers of skin to give it a healthy, glowing appearance.
  • Drinking water leads to increased energy levels. The most common cause of daytime fatigue is actually mild dehydration!
  • An average person uses about 135 litres of clean treated water per day

Did you know?

  • A tap leaking one drop of water per second wastes more than 25 L of water a day! That’s over 9,000 L a year!
  • A five-minute shower with a standard showerhead uses 100 L of water.
  • A five-minute shower with a low-flow showerhead uses 35 L of water.
  • About 75% of indoor home water use occurs in our bathrooms, and toilets are the single largest water users. Toilets use over 40% more water than needed!
  • Only 10% of our home water supply is used in the kitchen and as drinking water but a whopping 65% of it is used in the bathroom.
  • An automatic dishwasher uses 40 L of water, compared to dishwashing by hand, which uses about 35 L.
  • A traditional washing machine uses 130 to 250 L of water to launder a large load.
  • In the summer, lawn and gardening watering can increase the demand for water by more than 50%.
  • One lawn sprinkler spraying 19 L per minute uses 50% more water in just 1 hour than a combination of 10 toilet-flushes, two 5-minute showers, two dishwasher loads and a full load of clothes!
  • Using a bucket of water to clean the car instead of the hose saves about 300L of water…each time!

See more fun facts and tips about water conservation at www.taptips.ie