Bikes for Africa

Change a life in Africa – Donate your unwanted bicycles to the Rotary Club of Navan Appeal

Bikes for Africa - Navan Rotary Club

Change a life in Africa – Donate your unwanted bicycles to the Rotary Club of Navan Appeal

Bikes for Africa - A campaign that hopes to transform the lives of people in Africa has just been launched by the Rotary Club of Navan.  The project aims to collect unwanted bikes that are in good condition and forward them to people in Africa for who this simple mode of transport can transform their daily lives.

Old bikes give new lives to families in Africa. An unused bike in your garage could be life changing for a student in The Gambia. Donations of bikes can be left at the Navan Recycling Centre, Mullaghboy Industrial Estate, Athboy Road, Navan.

Navan Recycling Centre is open Monday to Saturday 8.30am – 4.45pm.

  • We need strong bikes that can withstand rough terrain
  • Bikes that suit both primary and secondary students
  • Minimum 24" wheel size can be accepted
  • In reasonable repair


Jacqueline McCormack, President, believes that this initiative will open so many opportunities, as children in Africa, especially those living in rural areas, often have a very long way to travel to get to school perhaps even walking up to 5km a day in searing temperatures. We are delighted and proud to launch this project – not only are we helping students get an education; we are also supporting the Irish Prison Service who established a Bike Shed at Loughan House Open Centre, where the bikes are refurbished.

Individuals working in the bike shed not only develop the technical skills required to refurbish bikes, but their personal contribution is a means to improved motivation and has a positive influence on their self-esteem. 

A bike that has outlived its usefulness here can be refurbished and put to good use again. In 2019, our challenge in Rotary Club of Navan will be to strengthen our connection with people who need our help. In Africa the advantage of bike ownership in a family can enhance life immeasurably and can significantly improve their lives through access to education, work and essential services. 

Having a bike is a huge status symbol for a student and they are so proud of the bikes they receive. This initiative also offers our community another avenue to be environmentally conscious. REMEMBER - Every shed has an old bicycle that is taking up space – AND WE NEED IT. Together we can hit our target and your old bike will be transformed to a useful and valued gift immediately.

Rotary Club of Navan has worked closely with Meath County Council and will launch the Bikes for Africa campaign on Thursday 7t November 2019.

As a result of this partnership Rotary Club of Navan applied for funding from the Community Environmental Action Fund to cover the cost of approximately 600 bikes to be repaired and shipped to The Gambia. This level of financial assistance will ensure that an extra two container loads will go to The Gambia this year. Events like this do not just happen – they require a lot of planning and effort.

‘Alone we can do little; together we can do so much’ This project is a great example of teamwork by willing partners such as Meath County Council, HYDRO INTERNATIONAL LTD and staff at the Navan Recycling Centre. HYDRO INTERNATIONAL LTD has teamed up to provide transport to deliver the bikes to Loughan House where they will then be repaired. Navan Cycle Centre, were only too delighted to support and donate two bikes for the display. 

Meath County Council is delighted to offer our support to this initiative’ commented Bernadine Carry, Environment Section, ‘it is very important that we make the best use of our raw materials and resources, extending the life cycle of products as far as possible, avoiding needless waste. 

That this can be combined with such a worthy cause as Bikes for Africa is the best possible outcome for all concerned and Meath County Council is fully supportive of this project’.

If you have any queries, please contact Jacqueline or Bernadine, details below.