Green Kilometre Scheme

Meath County Council is aware that there are many groups and individuals around the county who would like to contribute to their local community.

Green KM

An increase in walking and cycling since the lockdowns began has made many people aware of both the litter that may be seen along the roadside, but also the wildlife that exists in the hedgerows and roadside margins. People may also notice built heritage features such as old gates, water pumps etc. As a response to this we have created the Green Kilometre scheme. With over 3,600 kilometres of roads in the county, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved!

The scheme invites individuals/groups to choose approximately a kilometre (or longer) stretch of road/loop in their area- preferably a quiet, local road in terms of safety. The group or individual would then commit to maintaining the chosen stretch over the course of the year. 

Incentives of some native trees, litter pickers, bags and gloves are on offer for all participating individuals/groups.

Most importantly the scheme is an opportunity for you or your community to work together on a project which benefits everybody.

The following are examples of the work/activities that can be included:

  • Removing litter
  • Planting appropriate native trees and shrubs
  • Restoring heritage features such as old farm gates or walls (permission from landowners should be obtained first and protected structures should only be maintained following professional advice)
  • Report illegal dumping
  • Improving hedges (sections of traditional hedge laying would be very welcome)
  • Note that hedge cutting is banned from March 1st to September 1st
  • Cleaning and maintaining signs

Email us at if you are planning to take part!

Do’s and Don’t for taking part:

  • Wash and sanitise hands before and after litter picking
  • Place litter directly into bags, do not handle
  • Store bags in safe place for collection
  • if you come across bags dumped in your area, report the to us, don’t open them.
  • Wear and use PPE
  • Be Safe – Be Seen – always follow safety advice when out walking or litter picking


if you have any queries in relation to this scheme, contact