GAA Green Club Programme

The Green Club programme will help clubs to identify and implement simple measures to protect our natural heritage and secure a sustainable future for our local communities.

Local Authorities and GAA Partnership

In January 2020, the County & City Management Association (CCMA), on behalf of local authorities, and the GAA have pledged to work together to lead their communities in promoting sustainability and climate action.

This partnership had its origins in the GAA’s status as a Sustainable Development Goal Champion and aligns with local government commitments under the National Climate Action Plan and also Meath County Council’s Climate Action Plan. This will link in and feed into our 9 Decarbonising Zones Navan, Ashbourne, Trim, Kells, Dunboyne, Laytown/Bettystown, Dunshaughlin, Ratoath and Duleek.

Meath County Council is working together with clubs engaged with the Green Club Programme on sustainability and climate action projects, by providing support and promotion of the projects so that we can meet the Climate Action objective. 

The Green Club Programme will help to drive sustainability at a club and community level through the 5 themes of Energy, Water, Waste, Biodiversity and Travel and Transport.

Phase 1 of the Green Club Programme

Phase 1 of the Green Club Programme ran from 2021 to 2023. The experience and input of the Phase 1 led to the development of the GAA’s first-ever Green Club Toolkit. It contains resources, advice and guidance, tailored especially for GAA clubs and members, in the five thematic areas. The Toolkit also contains inspiring, practical case studies from Green Clubs from across the island of Ireland. The toolkit can be found HERE


Phase 2 of the Green Club Programme

Phase 2 of the Programme was launched in January 2023 and involved additional clubs getting involved in the programme and participating in a number of specific projects Approximately 200 clubs took part in Phase 2, representing all counties across Ireland. Clubs had to complete a minimum of two Initiative from two Thematic Areas from the Tool Kit to get a recognition award.

16 clubs in County Meath registered for Phase 2 with 10 of these clubs receiving a ‘Green Club Phase 2 Award’ at the GAA Green Clubs Recognition Event in Croke Park on November 9th, 2024


List of Green clubs that have been awarded recognition for Phase 2

Phase 3 was launched on 9th November 2024 and will run from March 2025 to November 2026. 

Phase 3 of the Green Clubs will operate on 3 levels 

  1. Club led programme, 2. County-based structure, 3. National Sustainability Strategy. 

Meath clubs are encouraged to engage in this phase. Meath County Council’s liaison person for the Green Clubs Programme is available at

GAA Green Club Logo