Update or Correct Your Details

How to correct or amend your details on the register of electors i.e. change of address, name or citizenship. Information for European Citizens living in Ireland.

Should you wish to update or amend your details on the register of electors (i.e. change of address, name etc) you can do this online at www.checktheregister.ie by selecting "Complete/update my record"


Download the form below and send to Register of Electors, Buvinda House, Dublin Road, Navan, Co Meath C15 Y291 or by email to registerofelectors@meathcoco.ie 


Changes to citizenship

If you are currently registered and need to update your citizenship status, please complete the form below and return to us.  


Registration as a European Elector

(Section 9 of the Electoral Act 1992 & Section 6 of the European Parliament Elections Act 1997)

EU citizens resident in Ireland who wish to vote in the European Parliament Elections here must complete the statutory declaration Form EP1 below stating their intention to vote only in the Member State where they currently live and provide details that can be forwarded to their Member State of origin so that it may record the voter’s intention. 

No voter may vote more than once and a system of information exchange between Member States is in place to prevent double voting. 

If registering to vote for the first time Form EP1 should also be accompanied by the standard registration form (ERF1), which can be completed online at www.checktheregister.ie or at www.Voter.ie 

Further information on this procedure will be available in early 2024.

Form EP1 - Registration as a European Elector